Read more about how our team members put our commitment to protecting the environment into action.

Diverting E-Waste
Team members at Belterra Park, Kansas Star and Boyd Corporate each participated in e-waste recycling
events in 2023 to prevent toxic materials from old computers, cell phones, cables, monitors and more
from entering the landfill. Collectively, these events gathered more than 4,000 pounds of e-waste across
the country.
Reduce and Recycle
Aliante has embraced the principle of reduce and reuse by periodically cleaning out its storage areas and
donating or recycling items no longer needed. To date, Aliante has diverted or donated almost 52,000
pounds of various items, while recycling another 50,000 pounds.
Electric Golf Carts and Bikes
Suncoast continues to have a positive impact on the environment through its recent switch from
gasoline-powered security vehicles to electric golf carts and bikes. In 2023, Suncoast’s Security team
reduced the property’s carbon emissions by more than nine metric tons as a result of eliminating two
vehicles and adding golf carts and bikes.
Battery and Light Bulb Recycling
In 2023, Belterra Resort recycled nearly 7,000 pounds of batteries through an ongoing collection drop box
located in back-of-house areas. Additionally, the property recycled 900 pounds of light bulbs that would
have been disposed into a landfill.
Clean the World
Boyd Gaming properties have partnered with Clean the World to recycle discarded soap and plastic
bottle amenities. Donated products are sorted, filtered, sanitized and processed by Clean the World, then
distributed to people in need throughout the world. In addition to helping vulnerable communities, our
partnership with Clean the World helps reduce the amount of solid waste sent to landfill.
Plastic Bag Drives
In an effort to reduce the amount of material being buried in landfills, Kansas Star Casino and Par-A-Dice
hosted plastic bag drives where they collected more than 2,000 bags from team members' homes.
The recycled plastic bags are typically turned into plastic composite lumber.